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Act III, Scene 1

Sydenham’s Chorossword


Solving this puzzle is like reading an ECG... you gotta look for ST changes! Seriously tho, the trick lies in the "ST" bigrams. Once you've solved the crossword, make sure you don't get blinded by those red rectangles...

The Saint Rangest of crosswords that I’ve ever seen (or felt)!

(Note: a copy-able version of this crossword is available at this link)

  1. Malignant
  2. A precursor cell
  3. Management option for coronary artery disease
  4. A cell with potential
  5. Syndrome characterised by five main features, including Raynaud's phenomenon
  6. What is formed in a Hartmann's procedure
  7. Colour associated with disease caused by Group A Strep
  8. That "piece of paper" that lies at the end of the MD
  9. Condition that can be managed with either methylfenidate or amphetamines (abbrev.)
  10. The type of blood gas most respiratory physicians would prefer
  11. A much-welcomed fortnightly occurrence for doctors
  12. A cell whose activity is dictated by RANK ligand
  13. One of two in an academic year
  14. Liver enzyme (abbrev.)
  15. Along with Frank, gives his name to a law governing cardiac output
  16. 6a but for muscles
  17. What someone having an absence seizure might do
  18. Hospital professional who engages with Indigenous patients (abbrev.)
  19. Mean, for example
  20. Gold standard test for much of respiratory medicine (1.1. 5)
  21. A disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (abbrev.)
  22. Anaesthetic agent and NMDA receptor anatagonist
  23. Blood vessel with valves
  24. Body part that is the namesake of the podocyte
  25. Bad cholesterol (abbrev.)
  26. Radiocarpal joint
  27. Type of dullness associated with pleural effusions
  28. Particle seen in urine microscopy
  29. The thing that determines when a doctor works and when they don't
  30. On both sides of the cervix
  31. "There is a fracture, I need to ___ it"
  32. Purulent discharge
  33. Chlamydia, for example (abbrev.)
  34. The single biggest risk factor for developing breast cancer
  35. Syphilis, for example
  36. A common non-respiratory paediatric presentation (shortening)
  37. Structure used to define McBurney's point (abbrev.)
  38. Along with Sternberg, gives his name to a cell pathognomonic of Hodgkin's lymphoma
  1. A form of enzyme regulation that does not occur at the enzyme's active site
  2. A sac formed by a cluster of cells that may contain air or fluid but never pus
  3. Interleukin family involved with the inflammasome
  4. The program that all surgeons aspire to get onto
  5. Histamine producer (2 words)
  6. A coronary syndrome! (abbrev.)
  7. 44d is an example of this
  8. A vital sign (abbrev.)
  9. It is between the neck and the abdomen
  10. What the final letter of the HINTS exam stands for
  11. Group in chart of the New National Framework for Prevocational Medical Training
  12. One of two methods for confirming allergen sensitisation (abbrev.)
  13. Enzyme irreversibly inhibited by insecticides and nerve agents
  14. Not proximal
  15. What a general surgeon might write on the operation report in the case of an accidental bladder perforation
  16. Gland responsible for LUTS in most older men
  17. Flapping tremor that is not actually a tremor
  18. Where all the patients might be located on the morning round?
  19. The single biggest risk factor for developing Alzheimer's dementia
  20. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
  21. Mobility aid that is not a frame
  22. Eye drop used to treat glaucoma
  23. Hordeolum
  24. Animal after which an extremely large renal calculus is named
  25. Member of an orchestra most likely to be a microbiologist?
  26. NOW!
  27. Synthesised by Leydig cells
  28. Factor that may contribute to medication non-adherence
  29. A ligand that is able to bind to and activate its receptor
  30. What is formed after varicella vesicles rupture
  31. Neurology is for the brain what psychiatry is for this
  32. Wisdom teeth, palmaris longus, and the auricular muscles, for example
  33. One of Virchow's triad
  34. Alternate name for shingles
  35. Time is brain so act FAST if you suspect this condition