Puzzling Medical Council of MDSC

Intern Match 2024

The Puzzling Medical Council of MDSC (PMCM) coordinates the Intern Match on behalf of MDSC-affiliated Health Services offering accredited Internship positions. The Match assigns medical students to Internship positions.

Medical students of all years are invited to participate in the 2024 Intern Match. Participants in the Match will be required to solve a series of puzzles as part of their application.

Click on the below buttons to learn more.

Key dates

June 24 (Monday)
  • 10am: Act I puzzles released
June 25 (Tuesday)
  • 10am: Act II puzzles and hints for Act I released
June 26 (Wednesday)
  • 10am: Acts III & IV puzzles and hints for Act II released
June 27 (Thursday)
  • 10am: Hints for Acts III & IV released
  • 12pm: MDSC Challenge Points tallied. Puzzles solved after this point won't contribute to Challenge prizes.
June 28 (Friday)
  • 10am: Puzzle Hunt concludes, solutions released.


10:00 a.m. 28 Jun:MDSC Puzzles 2024 has ended! Thank you to everyone who took part.

11:02 p.m. 27 Jun:  (IV.1: The Match)  In the second last paragraph of the first page, the phrase "malignant sore throat with any plants (not fruits) that are normally consumed anyway by humans" has been replaced with "ship fever with a symbiote of algae and fungi".

05:40 p.m. 26 Jun:  Congratulations to 🏥 Joshua Lotter 🏥 for being the first to solve IV.1 The Match and to be awarded the hospital 🏥 emoji!

10:00 a.m. 26 Jun:  The final set of puzzles (Acts III and IV) have been uploaded! Hints are also out for Act I and II puzzles. There is still ample time to get solves in and earn Challenge points before they close at 12pm tomorrow!

10:00 a.m. 25 Jun:Act II puzzles are now available! Hints for Act I are also released; to view these, simply enter the relevant puzzle and click the "Show Hint" button. Happy solving!

07:20 p.m. 24 Jun:  Nine hours in and hopefully everyone is having fun! Please remember that if the puzzles seem too hard, there will be hints available from 10am tomorrow! And also, please help us out by leaving feedback on the puzzles you solve, so we can improve on future Hunts!

10:00 a.m. 24 Jun:  The first two puzzles have been released! Each is worth 250 points, with a bonus 100 if you complete within 24 hours. After 24 hours, hints will also be released. Happy solving!

10:00 a.m. 20 Jun:  With 4 days to go until Puzzle release, please make sure you have registered in advance, so any bugs can be ironed out! Contact mdscpuzzles@gmail.com if you run into any issues.